Highly skilled and Top in Their field


health & Wellness, Personal Development and Career Empowerment

Real People, Real Wisdom


Authenticity is the keynote for Sacred Living Institute as well as the process for selecting and promoting the instructors that represent and teach sacred living. 

The greatest teacher of all is life experience as it cultivates the wisdom gained from each moment lived fully, understood comprehensively and translated into golden keys of wisdom.

Each wisdom leader featured in Sacred Living Institute has drank in deeply the essence of being human and flowered their personal expression into a beautiful palette of teachings that have great depth and tempo for improving others lives. One can feel and sense when a teacher has experienced and matured in the truth they are sharing. This is the essence of authenticity and the inspiration behind selecting Sacred Living Institute facilitators. 

Enriching as a way of life

Colleen Chen

Grounding Your Vision

Grounding Vision for Manifestation

Step-by-Step Guide to Manifestation
a program
for accomplishing your goals
See Profile

Golden Gibson

Nurturing Utlimate Wellness   

Living Veganism

Nurturing Ultimate Wellness

MahaDevi UmAnanda

Personal Development

Be Authentically You!

The Expression of Integrity & Authenticity for Personal Development

April Lee

How to Use Spiritual Forces for Healing

Grounding Vision for Manifestation

Create an Aura that is an invincible Armor of Light
Learn More

Amy Grass

Introduction to Hydrosols

Amy Grass

Hydrosols and Distilling
Learn More

Dr. Alvita Soleil

Bridging Healing Arts with New Science

Alignment Method

Taking our physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being to an optimum level.

Authentic in Delivery

Mehrnoush Roudaki

Being Present for Receiving
Love, Money & Success

Love, Money & Success

Sharing techniques for experiencing more love, more money and more success in life through applying the art of being present


Flower Talk

Fairies & Flowers

Discover MultiDimensional Existence in Nature


Deep Nedra Yoga


Art of Deep Relaxation

Integrity in Style

Corey DeFazio

Soul Wisdom Healings

Soul Wisdom Healings

Reconnect with your own unique expression of authenticity

Lydia ZQ

Healer and Light-Worker

Lydia ZQ

Evolving Humanity through a Combination of Methodologies


Sound Alchemist Technician

Omni Sounds

Cosmic dance is expressed through frequency and sound

Responsible with A Message


Sound Healing


Crystal Bowl Sound Healings


Fiery Yoga

Yoga Teacher

Work out, stretch and Smile

Carolyn Mondress

Self Discovery Breath Work

Carolyn Mondress

Breath work is the most powerful resource that we have.


Wisdom of Our Fascia

Upgrade Your Quality of Life

tap into the intelligent organizing principle which weaves
each of us into coherence.


Ecstatic Dance



Michal Anna

Salsa & Meditation

Michal Anna

Salsa & Meditation
Move mouse over photo to see Course Description






join the evolution

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