Colleen Chen

Expert In: leadership, organization, legal Structure and Policies, Pro Systems, Educational Programs and Publishing

Favorite Subjects of interests: Politics, education, legal policies and civil rights.

the vision

from the beginning

A primary concern for me is the educational eco-system that my two sons are fostered within and how that ultimately shapes their character and development as an adult. This is why i emphasize a commitment to a high quality home-school environment. 

Enriching * authenticity * Responsibility * Integrity

Overview And Experience

Since 2004, Colleen has practiced and developed a cutting edge program for homeschooling that rivals the standard educational environment. 

Main Modules:

  • Clarify your motivations: why homeschool? 
  • Establish the vision: what are your goals?
  • Create a loose structure based on the participants: what are both teacher and students’ needs and routines (sleep, food, chores, social, etc)? Who are you alone and who are you together?
  • Allow inspiration into the curriculum: identify your and your kids’ talents, passions, and dreams. Identify resources you have. Identify must-dos and what’s just outside the comfort zone. 
  • Identify how you process and how your kids process: More importantly than what you want to do while homeschooling—what do you want to feel while homeschooling? What makes you feel that way? Learn about frequency and how you can recognize and change it
  • Make adjustments with awareness and the concept of “surrender”: create space for both experimentation and accountability 

Mission to Share with the World:

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January 2021 - April 2021 / Spring Renewal Conference
See website link here:

LIVE Online Courses

How to make a gluten-free pizza that melts in your mouth

Self-Study Courses

PDF"s, Books & Audios

PDF's, Books & Audio

Printed, audio and e-books

the key to delicious Healthy Food

Topics & Specialties

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How to file and establish
Techniques and exercises

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