MahaDevi UmAnanda
Expert In:
Personal Self-Development. Including, Locally Grown, Organic, Exceptionally Delicious, Exquisite, Vegan, Gluten-Free Cuisine designed for Good Mental and Physical Health.
Favorite Read:
Hindu Shastras and Upanishads, specifically Shiva Sutras and Guru Bhakti.
Guiding Principle:
“…coming back to basics: integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing others’ reality is the way to cause your own reality.
Your causing effort to enrich yourself and others, that is the prayer Mahadeva listens to…Celebrate Mahadeva’s presence by enriching and causing the whole world… That is the way you will manifest your reality.”
the vision
from the beginning
If humans understood themselves at the depth that astrology provides there would be more healing, abundance, nurturing love and effective team-work towards a common, shared vision. This is my goal through sharing the insights and wisdom that I have gained over the past 30+ years learning and living the science of astrology and the esoteric eastern teachings. Sharing insights gained through life experience for self-development my hope is that an effective, empowered and gentle space is fostered for maturation.
Ancient Teachings For Sanity and Evolution while Creating An Efficient Eco-System
Overview And Experience

My astrological profile:
MahaDevi has been born with an unusual intellect and ability to share and transmit personal empowerment.
With a diverse background, MahaDevi imparts intuitive insights a natural understanding. Under the appropriate influence (enlightened Guru) and through the ability to transfer clear concepts while utilizing the capacity to gather together a community environment, higher principles for everyday living are shared.
Since 1992, the path of yoga and spiritual disciplines have been an important part of my life, beginning with attending the Himalayan Institute yoga program and initiated by Swami Rama in the early nineties, following a deep union with Bhagavan Aurobindo and The Mother for many years, entering into an austere lifestyle creating a powerful transformation in my being. Eventually, I established my own courses to share with others through the the Goddess Institute in mid nineties and then the GAIA School for Sacred Living in the mid-2000’s. Coming back into the world and entering into a decadent lifestyle, forsaking and casting aside many of the spiritual powers I had gained everything changed dramatically until years later in 2014, where a radical shift happened, re-igniting my spiritual process and connecting me with a powerful Guru creating a growing, maturing understanding of surrender and devotion in my being.
Often, this is the experience of the three major life cycles that humans endure in one life cycle, such as Uranus Opposition, Kiron Return and Saturn Return, people tend to make extreme shifts in their life. The same path that was initiated during my Saturn Return came full circle with my Kiron Return while leaving the dross behind that occurred during my Uranus Opposition. This is how life happens for many with these three major life cycles.
In this cycle, my third, major life cycle is seasoned with the wisdom of a life lived fully and with the understanding that if I compromise in anyway, I lose all the beauty gained through my spiritual disciplines. With this understanding, Im fully loaded to deal with the demons of delusion and armed with a superior, living force of the Avatar.
Kali is at my back, Shakti is inside and the goddess Annupurna is making sure that I imbibe only that which edifies my soul and form. Shiva resides in my Ananda Ghanda, Nandi carries me and Maha KalaBhairava is standing at the front gate of my domain. In full blossom, my Guru Tattwa leads the way.
The ongoing initiations of my Beloved Guru elevate and fine-tune my entire energy system and cause a transformation of my whole being that could only happen with the Grace of an Enlightened Avatar holding the disciple gently under His wing.
Mission to Share with the World:
This full-circle life experience that began in the early 1990’s empowers me with great understanding and powerful insights into what others endure and struggle with and the understanding of what is required for gaining a radical transformation while enjoying one’s own evolution and maturation process. After many experiences and much self-work, tremendous study of astrology including, diving deep into ancient teachings, I can move forward into manifesting the life I am best suited for with tremendous clarity and self-confidence. I am delighted to share this process with others for their own fulfillment and delight.
If more people understood these delicate life shifts as we see through the lens of astrology and had the awareness to surf the changes that these three major life cycles bring, there would be much less grief and despair on this planet and greater empowerment to create a more satisfying, rewarding life.
This is my goal and my hope – that each person who crosses my path is enlightened with self-understanding that empowers and showers the thrill of knowing who one is, what they are here to do while standing firmly in the confidence to fulfill that mission.
Retreat Classes
January 2022 - April 2022 /
Month of July - 21 Day excursion on self-development and self-awareness for manifesting the dream
LIVE Online Courses
Developing Stages of a Powerful Business Plan
Self-Study Courses
PDF"s, Books & Audios
the keys for Nurturing Self-Awareness
Topics & Specialties
In the same way that a thriving garden grows, so does it happen with our inner and outer being. All parts of who we are require the tender, careful nurturing attention in all stages of our life journey. Ancient astrology combined with the science of Yoga, refined over thousands of years and imparted by enlightened beings, provides the insight for nurturing this process in a powerful, eloquent way. Applying practical, day-to-day methods of self awareness and attention to the finer details of manifesting the life you desire is my focus in sharing.

From infant to adult, we experience so many happenings that shape the essence of who we are. The single most important ingredient and first step in thriving in a positive eco-system is the quality of the foundation of our roots. A delicate balance of minerals, right kind of soil, the measure of light and the space between our branches dictates our reality. Understanding all these components of our life story and DNA makeup of our being gives powerful tools for creating the foundation to grow within. This is my specialty and focus of work with individuals.